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The West Grimsby Team supports Fairtrade working alongside Traidcraft. We use Traidcraft products in our churches and run a regular Traidcraft stall on two Sundays each month.
(See our diary for details)

A small step to show you care: Make the decision to buy from the Traidcraft stall each month one food product that you use regularly.

“I want to know that the people who have produced my food, my clothes and some of the gifts I give are being paid a fair price for their work, have safe working conditions and access to healthcare and education for their children.  Buying these things from Traidcraft ensures that.” Deborah Mullins

Traidcraft supports and works alongside small-scale farmers, workers and artisans to trade their way out of poverty and help them, their families and communities to flourish.

Traidcraft is about more than just fair trade – they work with some of the most marginalised groups in developing countries, trying to understand suppliers’ problems and helping in finding solutions. Buying Fair Trade goods from a supermarket is fine but they do not do the development work, nor work with the poorest and most vulnerable small scale farmers, which is where Traidcraft specialises.

Traidcraft also pioneers new Fair Trade products – such as Fair Palm – leading the way in developing standards which have been incorporated in the Fairtrade Mark.

Buying fairly traded food, beverages, cleaning products, clothes and crafts from Traidcraft brings you into a relationship with the people producing them. Traidcraft tells their stories, shows their pictures and even takes people to visit them!

“Fair trade helps us all earn money so the whole community can benefit,” Fana Mamba, Mavalele One Farmer’s Association, Swaziland.